Newsletter 28th July 2023


Congratulations Foundation Students

One hundred percent – the full amount

Here today we certainly experienced 100% acknowledgement of joy and pride as our 65, 2023 Foundation students along with their teachers and families, celebrated this important milestone.

Mid to end July roughly marks the halfway stage of the academic year in Victoria.  Friday 28 July was the day calculated by staff to be when 100 days of school life for Foundation students 2023 had been provided.

Acknowledgement of this milestone in primary schools has certainly increased across the system over recent years.  Records show however it has been noted in various ways for over 40 years in Victorian schools.  Here at Kingsville the day has been recognised and celebrated for many years and today was certainly no exception.

Dressing up is certainly all part of the fun and I am pleased to say there were some sprightly looking ‘centenarians’ “living their best life”, amongst the 65+ that were at Kingsville today.  I expect many will have received a congratulatory message from King Charles III.

In Victoria, statistics show there are 1432 centenarians and it seems that at least 4.5% showed up at KPS for the 100 days of school celebrations.  Well done to everyone involved in the organisation of the 2023, for those who were able to participate and celebrate including

  • Foundation teachers
  • Teachers across other levels, specialists, and support staff along with
  • Foundation families, members, and friends

And of course


65 ‘forever young’ foundation students

I am confident you will remember today for a long time to come.

Again, congratulations.

 Kath Ginnane

“Senior Principal”

– very fortunate to be kept “Young at Heart” by all the wonderful KPS students


Kath Ginnane


Foundation Enrolments for 2024

Reminder – applications due TODAY

In 2023, the Department of Education has put in place a foundation enrolment timeline which, all Victorian government primary schools are expected to follow.

If there are any KPS families with a pre-school child who will be beginning Foundation in 2024 who have not yet collected an enrolment form, please make contact with Erica Ryan, Business Manager via the school office asap OR EMAIL the school

Kath Ginnane


Student Free/Curriculum Day – Friday 4th August

Each year schools receive 4 student-free days (when student instruction does not occur) for professional development, school planning and administration, curriculum development and student assessment and reporting.   

As part of Kingsville Primary School’s commitment to continuous improvement these curriculum or student free days are used as a valuable opportunity to for all staff to engage in learning, conversation and work directly related to whole school improvement. 

The upcoming student free day, on Friday 4th August, will see staff engaged in our ongoing development of restorative practices and culture at KPS. We have engaged Kristy Elliot from Restorative Pathways ( to support us, building on the work we did with her on the previous student free day.

What is a restorative approach?

A restorative approach and culture within a school places value in the relationships between students, staff and the parent community.

Kingsville Primary School has used a restorative approach for many, many years, however this year has seen a refocus in this space as staff have spent significant time revisiting our current understanding of this approach, and taking on an updated drive in developing our restorative school culture.

In revisiting this focus on our restorative approach we continue to:

  • prioritise the relationships we build and nurture
  • focus on the impact our behaviour and choices has on us, and those around us
  • recognise and praise the behaviours we value, aligned with the attributes of the Learner Profile we
  • spend time unpacking and reflecting on the impact of our behaviours and actions
  • collaboratively map a way forward to repair any hurt and restore damaged relationships when our actions impact others negatively
  • collaboratively celebrate the positive impact our behaviours and actions have

In our restorative approach, teachers take an authoritative, not authoritarian, role, supporting students through the process and helping them to develop into engaged, caring and thoughtful young people, who reflect on their actions and behaviours and endeavour to take meaningful, positive action.

Sam Eason
Assistant Principal

Happy Birthday Kingsville

2023 – 104 years old

Every year we celebrate the anniversary of the opening of our wonderful school. For new and ‘old’ families it is always valuable to provide or revisit some history relating to the opening of and, early days of Kingsville.

So for the record, Kingsville Primary School first opened the doors on August 1st, 1919. On 1st August 2023 therefore, it will have provided an outstanding learning environment for children of Kingsville and surrounding areas for 104 years.

Over the years the ‘large red brick school’ as it has often been referred to, has stood the test of time and its inhabitants have witnessed many changes in the ensuing decades

Back in 1919, the main building boasted eleven classrooms, a staffroom, one store room, an office and a foyer area.  A photograph of the time shows the significant two storey structure dominated the physical landscape of the area. Even now with built up housing and the adjacent large greenbelt, it can be seen from quite a distance and is a local landmark.

Two hundred and eighty children were enrolled or taken in on 1/8/1919. All the records were entered by hand and a long line of prospective students, so the history books tell us, was out the door and around the corner. 

Within a week another 59 students had been added to the school enrolment then, by the end of August the total was 387 and by December and the Christmas break 410 students. Obviously the word spread quickly right from those early days that Kingsville was a great school.

2023 Celebrations

  1. On Tuesday August 1st happy birthday to Kingsville will be sung in every classroom and specialist teaching area.
  2. At the full school assembly on Friday August 11th we will hold our traditional KPS birthday celebration. This will see students manipulating large letters and numbers that are needed to make up the message ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY KINGSVILLE 104’. They will need to arrange these in the right order and, as it is the Foundation students who do this for us it is usually quite entertaining. Once the message is complete we take that all important yearly birthday photo.

Only 46 more years now until the Sesquicentennial, the hundred and fiftth anniversary of the opening of Kingsville where we wil ouncover the stories and tresures sealed in our time captual in 2019.

Jeff McDonald

Assistant Principal

Kingsville Primary School Book Week 2023


One of Kingsville’s highlights is our celebration of Book Week in our annual Book Character Parade. The parade will take place on Thursday 24th August.  The students are invited to come to school dressed as a character from their favourite book.

If we have fine weather: The parade will be held outside on the Assembly area beginning at 9.15am. Parents and families are cordially invited to attend the parade. The Julian Street and Somerville Road Gates will be open, and parents/carers do not need to sign into the school for this event.

However, if weather does not permit: The parade will be split into a F-2 at 9.15am and 3-6 at 10.00 Parade in the Hall. Parents will be able to enter the school via the Julian Street and Somerville Road Gates for the first session and via the front entrance on Bishop Street for the second session. Parents/carers do not need to sign into the school for this event.

The school and teachers have many fun activities planned for Book Week including the costume parade on the Thursday. Just like the Easter Parade we do not want Kingsville parents staying up creating “character masterpieces” into the wee small hours. We do want it to be all about participation and fun for the students and creating great memories of events and traditions during their primary school life.

A few tips

  • Make it easy. Use what you have in your wardrobe, dress-up box or craft box.
  • Homemade costumes are awesome. Costumes shouldn’t have to cost you much.
  • Student-driven costume choices make the student more comfortable in what they are wearing and builds excitement.
  • Plan early but have a back-up plan
  • It’s okay to work backwards from the costume to the book.
  • No costume is wrong. Celebrate everyone attempt. Movie character, book related t-shirt. Honestly, everything is okay if it makes the student (or staff member) comfortable enough to dress up. You can even make a school uniform work.

Watch out for an attachment in a Compass post or look at the display outside the library where we are sharing some simple Book Character dress up ideas that you can create with things, you’ll find in the family’s wardrobes in support of making consume making easier. We’ve tried to use a range of books, from picture books to young fiction and included some more obscure ideas, in case you want a unique costume and Australian fiction-based characters.

Our character parade is often the highlight of Book Week celebrations. The joy of seeing the children’s faces as they celebrate all things books and reading is so worth it. We look forward to families joining into our book week, and possibly some parents or guardians maybe courageous enough to dress up too.


Alison Michetti

Year 1/2 Class Teacher
Year 1/2 Level Leader


Visual Arts News

Kingsville Primary School presents our very own… Young Dargie Exhibition

This year marks 103 years of Australia’s oldest and most loved portrait award - The Archibald Prize! 

Each year, artists from all around Australia are invited to submit either a portrait or self-portrait for judging in Australia’s most prestigious art competition. A selection of artists are chosen as finalists, and their portraits tour around the country as a part of a travelling exhibition.  The prize was named after J.F. Archibald (editor of The Bulletin magazine) who donated money to fund an art prize.

Impressively, past Kingsville Primary School student, Sir William Dargie, was awarded the Archibald prize eight times. No other artist has ever surpassed his record! Sir William Dargie was a Kingsville student for two years, enrolling on the 15th February 1920.

Sir William Dargie first won the Archibald prize in 1941. Over a decade later, in 1954, Dargie was commissioned to paint Australia's official portrait of Queen Elizabeth. The Queen posed for Dargie at Buckingham Palace and this is often referred to as the ‘wattle painting’. Dargie last won the prize in 1956, with a portrait of Australia's celebrated Aboriginal painter Albert Namatjira. This portrait was completed while Namatjira was visiting Sydney from the Central Desert.

Kingsville Primary School established another connection with Sir William Dargie when it was discovered that Hailary Farlie’s (past long-time teacher) family owns an original painting of Dargie’s.

So, to celebrate the Archibald tradition, we would like to invite students to begin thinking about participate in our very own

                               Young Dargie Exhibition of 2023

Please note, this is a voluntary art activity for those who appreciate an art challenge.

The competition:

  • create your own 2-D portrait or self-portrait using any medium- paint, pencil, charcoal, crayon etc. or a combination
  • the portrait or self-portrait can be realistic or semi-realistic
  • the artwork could be a self-portrait, a portrait of a family member, a portrait of someone who inspires you, a portrait of a pet or a portrait of a teddy bear
  • the portrait must be completed and given to Visual Arts teacher Monica Gallivan by Thursday September 14th, the second last day of term 3

Once your artwork is finished, we request you bring it in to school and deliver it Monica by due date above who will store it in a safe place ready for our very own Young Dargie Exhibition

These artworks will be featured in a small pop-up gallery at our bi-annual Kingsville Art Show, planned for Thursday October 12th (term 4).

In cultivating your curiosity, you may like to sit down with an adult and explore the winners from the previous 103 years using the link below. 

Please note that it is advised that students explore this link with an adult, as some of the artworks contain some sensitive issues.

Can you find William Dargie’s paintings from 1941, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1950, 1952 & 1956?

You might also like to explore the artworks created by past winners of the Young Archie.

Please follow in the next newsletter additional information in support of student’s voluntary involvement in the 2023 ‘Young Dargie’ completion.

Monica Gallivan

Visual Arts Specialist

Digital Parenting & Cyber Safety Webinar

Digital Parenting & Cyber Safety Webinar 
Tuesday 22nd August, 6:00pm @ a screen closest to you.

Kingsville Primary School has been an accredited eSmart school since 2017. eSmart is a program that guides and supports schools to embed practices that create a culture of cyber safety and responsible digital citizenship.

To meet this agenda and to stay relevant in this ever-evolving space, Kingsville has once again scheduled cyber safety expert Martine Oglethorp, from the Modern Parent Organisation  to host a parent information webinar. Martine has worked with the school for a number of years, and we always receive highly positive feedback from those who have attended her sessions.

Some of the topics covered include:

  • How are kids using technology?
  • Which apps are kids using? Are they safe?
  • Coping with inappropriate content
  • Your child loves video games. How to keep it under control
  • Avoiding tech tantrums
  • Privacy, predators and reputation
  • Why parents are the key to safe and smart digital kids
  • How to enforce boundaries, limits & keep the balance
  • Strategies to teach kids the skills they need to make the best decisions online

Digital Parenting and Cyber Webinar

Date: Tuesday 22nd August

Time: 6.00p.m.

More information about the session will be provided in the coming weeks.


Kingsville eSmart Team
Gareth Dainton and Caileb Harrison

Kingsville Awards

The next opprtunity for awards to be presented wil be Friday 11th of August. A list of student receiving these awards will be shared the week before this assembly via Compass.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday   

     22nd July – 4th August

 Happy birthday to Henry Kienhuis, Milla Jovancevski, Harper Williamson, Sophie Wu, Liam Blanco-Kombo, Thomas Hine, Anouk Dewhurst, Tenzin Tenzin Chennga, Lila McShanag, Millie Van Riet, Lachy Brown, Zeph Buckley, Markus Hatzis, Reuben Simnett-Sage, Samuel Kiers, Amy Pechey, Ayten Abubaker, Patrick Pilcher, Leah Watsford, Albert Hamlyn, Mahdiya Kabir, Ivy Lorimer, Liam Mincherton, Will Maxwell, Luca Blackley and Aidan Kisto.


Dates to Remember Term 3

Friday 4th AugustPupil Free Day

Monday 7th AugustSchool Council
Year 5/6 Camp leaves

Wednesday 9th AugustYear 3/4 Camp leaves
Year 5/6 Camp returns

Friday 11th August Year 3/4 Camp returns

Wednesday 16th August2024 Foundation Interviews

Saturday 19th AugustWorking Bee

Saturday 26th August Trivia Night   
Wednesday 30th AugustGala Day - Summer   
SEPTEMBER 2023    
Monday 4th SeptemberSchool Council   
Tuesday 5th SeptemberDivision Athletics   
Friday 15th SeptemberLast day of Term 3 - 2.30pm Dismissal
Casual Clothes Day

Term 3 Friday Assembly Roster

4 August - No Assembly - Student Free Day
11 August - No Assembly Item
18 August - Item by 6LA
25 August - 34B
1 September - 12D
8 September - 5AA
15 September - No Assembly Item - Last Day of Term 3

2023 Term Dates
Term 1            Monday 30 January to Thursday 6 April
Term 2            Monday 24 April to Friday 23 June
Term 3            Monday 10 July to Friday 15 September
Term 4            Monday 2 October to Wednesday 20 December

OSHC Newsletter