At the heart of the PYP Philosophy is a commitment to structured Inquiry as the leading vehicle for learning. Inquiry is the process initiated by the students or the teacher that moves the students from their current level of understanding to a new and deeper level of understanding.
At Kingsville Primary School, our curriculum is organised under 6 Transdisciplinary Themes. These Transdisiplinary Themes have been selected by the IBO and represent the significant knowledge and understandings students will develop throughout their years in the Primary Years Programme. They are:
How the world works
Where we are in place and time
Who we are
How we organise ourselves
Sharing the planet
How we express ourselves
Each year, students engage in Units of Inquiry designed to further develop their understanding of these themes. These units form our Programme of Inquiry.
The Programme of Inquiry is the driving force behind teaching and learning at Kingsville Primary School. Teachers plan to develop literacy and numeracy skills as well as approaches to learning as part of these units. Our Programme of Inquiry draws on The Victorian Curriculum F-10 as well as the essential elements of the Primary Years Programme.
Here is our current 2022 Programme of Inquiry