Book Week – Scholastic Book Fair
Through our Scholastic Book Fair in Book Week – Kingsville Families & Friends snapped up an incredible $6,700
worth of books, which has resulted in $2,676 in Scholastic vouchers for KPS to use against new books & items
for the library & classrooms!
Alison is working through this and will provide a further update in a future newsletter. But a huge thanks to
everyone in our school community for being a part of an amazing book week for KPS!
FOKPS Funded Items
With money raised at FOKPS events throughout the 2023/2024 year, we are currently in consultation with the
KPS kids junior school council to draw up a shortlist of items that the kids would like us to focus on.
Once this shortlist is finalized, FOKPS alongside the KPS Leadership team will agree on what items will be the
priority, and what we as FOKPS, are able to contribute to. Once confirmed, we will pop an update for our school
community in a future newsletter!
WhatsApp Class Groups 2025 | Class Reps
In consultation with KPS Leadership, we are in the process of creating the parent volunteer run 2025 WhatsApp
class groups, and this year we will be introducing a simplified process!
All class groups will sit under a broader KPS Community Channel – and on step up day, kids will come home
with a QR code that parents can scan to join the channel & their class group. No need to fill out any forms!
We will also again be asking for parent class reps to put their hand up to organize class catch ups & events. We
will be in touch closer to step up day with more information!
Please note – as with this year; the WhatsApp KPS Community Channel & Class Groups are not affiliated with the
department of education or Kingsville Primary School. They are parent volunteer run, used for quick communication with
other parents, and are by opt in only. By joining the channel & class group/s – you understand your name & contact
information will be visible to your class group.
Join Friends of KPS
If you would like to join FOKPS or help with any future events – please sign up here!